Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekend Recap

All weekends should be three-day-weekends.  With the normal two-day variety, I never feel like I have enough time to do all the things that I want to do while also taking the time to relax and rejuvenate after a long week.  So Labor Day weekend was just what I needed.  On Friday night, GK and I headed out to the House of Blues for a concert.  The opening act was Rudimental, a band from London that I had honestly never heard of, but they proved to be a fun opener with a unique sound.  Check out their single "Waiting All Night" here.

After a brief wait, during which GK and I passed the time by critiquing the fashion ensembles of fellow concert-goers, exploring the bar options, and comparing and contrasting ourselves with the Olsen twins (the verdict:  we're exactly like them, just less hobo-y), the headliner, Emeli Sande took the stage.  If you haven't heard her music check out this, this, and this.....I can't stop listening to any of them.  Emeli put on an amazing show, full of energy and feeling, and it is always so refreshing to hear a musician sing just as well live as they do on their studio-recorded tracks (cough, cough, Taylor Swift).  If you get the chance to see her, do it!  She's well worth the cost of a concert ticket but not as well known yet (and therefore the tickets aren't as expensive) as some of her fellow Brit musicians.  So jump on it now and in a little while, you can brag about the fact that you saw her before she truly hit it big!

 The rest of the weekend was a bit more mellow, with good food, good company, and quality t.v.  (have you been watching "The Bridge"?  Sooo good.) and chick-lit catch-up time.
A delish salad that I concocted for lunch:  greens, basil, chicken, goat cheese, peaches and a hint of balsamic.  There are times when even I am impressed by my genius.

It was the perfect way to say goodbye to the summer.  I hope that you all had a wonderful, restful holiday weekend as well!

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