Monday, September 16, 2013

The Beehive

Recently, M and I were in the mood for a classy brunch outing, so we made our way to the South End of Boston to The Beehive.  M had been there before and I hadn't, but I had heard rave reviews about this popular restaurant/bar/jazz club, so I figured that it was definitely worth the trip.

 While the outdoor seating area looked fun and picturesque, it was actually a pretty hot day and M and I decided that we were more in the mood for a dark, moody jazz atmosphere, so we headed inside and down into the depths of the restaurant.
On the bottom floor, small, intimate tables surround an alcove where a jazz band plays while you enjoy your cocktails and food.  The softly lit room and the sultry background music make you feel as if you've walked into a smoky jazz club in 1920s Paris and suddenly, there's no hurry to go anywhere else.  You start to think that this place must have some secrets to tell.....but then your reverie is broken by the sound of a Boston accent the next table over.  You realize that you had better get down to business and order something delicious.  I went for a Kir Royale and M and I split the chocolate chip mocha coffee cake to start.
In terms of texture, it was really more of a pound cake than a coffee cake but I didn't mind because it was so good...not too sweet but moist and chocolatey and divine.  Next, I moved on to the Thick-Cut French Toast with Chantilly Cream and Maple Syrup and a side of bacon.
The bacon was sadly rather forgettable but the French Toast was AMAZING.  Seriously, I know that it's a large claim to make, but this was hands-down the best French Toast I have ever had (and I consider myself something of an expert).  The outside was perfectly crispy with a buttery, maple flavor and the inside just melted in your mouth.  I was worried that the Beehive might be all about the atmosphere and that the food might be pretty average, but I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case.  M went for the omelet with goat cheese and fresh herbs with toast, mixed salad and frites.  
I snitched a few of the frites and they were delicious as well.  When I go back, I think I'd do a side of those instead of the bacon.
If you decide to go, be sure to make a reservation on the Beehive's website.  This place is popular and the empty seats filled up fast while we were there.  They do dinner as well as brunch and have live music nightly.  I dare you to go and not feel as if you've gone back in time to a sexier era.  And one of the added benefits of the dim lighting is that you can inhale all the food that you want and no one will notice.....
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