Thursday, September 26, 2013

Garlic Herb Braided Bread

I love to make bread.  Not only do I love eating the stuff, but the smell of baking bread is quite possibly the best thing ever.  It always gives your kitchen that homey, cozy feeling that I'm always craving during the chilly fall and winter months.  One of my favorite bread recipes is this garlic-herb braid recipe.  My mom and I first came across it a few years ago, and since then, it has become my go-to bread recipe when I'm craving a homemade loaf or want to add something special to a dinner party.  The combination of dill, garlic, rosemary and basil give it a burst of flavor that really sets it apart from that same-old, dry, store-bought bread, and it really doesn't take as long to make as some other bread recipes that I've encountered, so it will only look like you've slaved away in the kitchen for hours.

First, you'll need to gather your spices, add them to the other dry ingredients, (I used whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose to make it healthier), and mix it all together.

Next, heat up your butter, milk, and water (don't let it get too hot though, or it will kill the yeast), add to the dry ingredients, and mix until just blended.  Beat in an egg and then add enough additional flour to give yourself a soft dough.  Knead for a few minutes on a floured surface until smooth and then cover and go read a magazine for 10 minutes.

Once you've finished dissecting the meaning of your horoscope, go back to the bread and divide the dough into 3 equal sections and then roll them into snakes of equal length (about 15 in.).  Put them on a greased or foiled baking sheet and then braid them.  Don't worry if you're not the most skilled bread-braider in town.  Mine always looks a bit wonky, but no one ever seems to notice and they are just delighted by the fact that you made a braided loaf of bread.

When you've finished braiding, pinch the ends together and fold under, and then cover and go back to the magazine for another 25 minutes.  When you've finished picking out your fall wardrobe, pop the baking sheet in the oven at 375.  After 20-25 minutes, take it out of the oven, brush with some melted butter, slice, serve, and enjoy!

Pair it with soups or pasta (if you're in the mood for lots of carbs) or make a sandwich or bruschetta out of it.  Or just eat it with a little butter or olive oil, all by itself.  Just look it at can you say no?

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