Monday, March 31, 2014

Birthday Fun

It bugs me when people don't like to acknowledge their birthdays.  I know a few of these sorts of people, who either get sad when the day rolls around and begrudgingly thank you when you offer well wishes or cupcakes or they try to ignore it completely.  In my opinion, you should always celebrate something when you get the chance, and having a birthday is so much better than the alternative of ....not having a birthday, right?  Would you rather be dead?  I didn't think so.  So shut up, be grateful for the good experiences and friends that your years have brought you, look forward to those to come, and have a piece of cake, for cryin' out loud.

Anyhoooo.....this year, my birthday landed on a Friday, so I grabbed GK and we headed out for a celebratory night on the town.  First, we hit up Silvertone Bar & Grill, my go-to dinner spot if I'm in the Boston Common area.  We started with a round of festive drinks;  she went for the Raspberry Fizz (Silvertone's own raspberry vodka, muddled lime, and soda) while I chose the Amaretto Sour.  Don't they look good together?

Since it was my birthday, and everyone knows that calories don't count on your birthday, I decided to go all in and order a burger.  The burger at Silvertone is definitely one of, if not THE best burger that I've found in Boston.  Huge, juicy, covered in your choice of Swiss, Cheddar, or American cheese, and paired with a bun that never seems to get soggy.  And it's a messy one.  If you're concerned about looking like a lady, this might not be for you.

Apologies for the murky of Silvertone's charms is its romantical mood lighting.  All the better for gazing lovingly into this...

GK made it a burger party and got one too.  With a side of sweet potato fries.  We thought that we'd be good and throw in some veggies somewhere.
After cleaning our plates, we made our way to one of my other favorite Boston haunts, the W Lounge in the W Hotel.  It was a rather chilly night so we grabbed a table by the fire to warm up.
Feeling in the mood for some bubbles as well as something fruity, I found the perfect thing on the cocktail menu:  the Champagne Mojito.
Sparkling wine, spiced rum, lime and mint in a beautiful birthday-sized glass.  GK went for the Blood Orange Clover, with vodka, Solerno, Lillet Rose, lemon and raspberries.  We were both happy girls.

We kept the pretty cocktails coming as we chatted about things both serious and silly and people-watched from our perch near the fire.

I love the W Lounge because it feels fancy and sophisticated, without being pretentious.  If you want to get dressed up and feel elegant but still feel like its a casual night, you should check it out.  And even the bathrooms are pretty!

I've always thought that you can tell a lot about a place by the cleanliness and decor of its bathrooms. 

After I returned to our table, GK and I decided that it was high time for dessert.  I obviously needed cake and went for the chocolate lava variety.
GK chose the Meyer Lemon Meringue Tart.  
The tart was tangy and refreshing, and better than the lava cake, in my opinion, but they were both good and beautifully presented.

At this point, the sugar and the booze were going a bit to our heads, and things started to get silly.

 However, we became deadly serious once again when we realized that there were fries on the menu. Clearly, the only choice was to finish the night out with that classic combo of fries and champagne.

And these weren't just any fries.  They were herb fries with "spiked" ketchup that had a hint of heat and basil aioli.  Seriously the best fries in the history of the world.  We were super excited and did a little dance in our seats.

When the fries and the bubbles were gone, we realized that we had been at it for so long that it was no longer my birthday.  At which point, this mustachioed fella turned up and told us that it was time to hit the road and get our butts home, and we listened.

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