Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Start the Day Off Right

I am a big believer in eating a good breakfast.  Study after study has shown that people who eat breakfast, and a hearty one at that, consistently perform better at work and school, and are usually thinner than those who don't.  All of that would already be enough to convince me, but to be honest, I'm also into breakfast because I'm always starving when I wake up in the morning, and waiting until lunch is just not an option.  During the week, I usually rotate between eggs or some sort of hot cereal, but recently I found two new recipes on Pinterest that were just the thing I needed to shake up the ole' routine, and I made up a third that I can't get enough of.  If you need some new, healthy breakfast inspiration in the form of dishes that can be made in 10 minutes or less, then read on.  First up, Peanut Butter Banana Quesadillas.  What could be more fun than having a quesadilla for breakfast?  Plus you get some potassium from the banana, protein from the peanut butter (which will keep you fuller longer), and .....well...chocolate from the chocolate.  All you need is a whole wheat wrap, peanut butter, a banana, and some chocolate chips.  Take the wrap and cover it with a generous schmear of peanut butter.
Then slice up a banana and put it over half of the area covered with peanut butter.
Sprinkle some chocolate chips on top and fold the other side of the wrap over the top.
Plop the quesadilla into a pan that's been warming on the stove and cook over medium heat for a few minutes, flipping it over once the bottom gets a little brown.
Take it off the heat once the other side is seared to your liking and the chocolate chips have gotten a bit melty.  Put it on a plate, cut into three wedges, and dig in!  You've got yourself a super quick and easy breakfast that's also healthy and really filling. 

If you're more into apples than bananas, then maybe the second recipe that I have for you, Apple Pie Oatmeal, will be more of your cup of tea.  To make one serving, you will need one chopped apple, 1/2 cup of quick-cooking oats, 1 cup water, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, and 1/4 tsp. nutmeg.  First, bring your water to a boil in a small saucepan and then add all the other ingredients.

Stir for about 2-3 minutes until the oatmeal is cooked and the apples soften just a bit.  
Then just pour into a bowl and enjoy, stirring in a little milk and brown sugar if you'd like.

This recipe couldn't be any easier, but it tastes like decadent comfort food and puts you in a good mood instantly.

If you prefer a a mix of savory and sweet for breakfast, then my last option, Tropical Egg Scramble, may be perfect for you.  Here's what you'll need:  three large eggs, milk, grated cheese, salt, pepper, and a few pineapple chunks (fresh or from a can).  Crack three eggs into a bowl and beat them for a few seconds with a whisk or a fork.
Add a splash of milk and then pour eggs into a pan that's been warming over medium heat.
Let them set up for just a few seconds and then start stirring.

When your eggs are mostly set, but not completely cooked through, take them off the heat and transfer them to a plate.  (My favorite blog, The Londoner, introduced me to this technique for making scrambled eggs.  It may seem a little weird, but, believe me, it makes the eggs taste creamier and SO MUCH BETTER.  I'll never go back to fully cooked scrambles again.)

Sprinkle with salt and pepper and the grated cheese of your choice.  I usually do Parmesan and Romano but I've also done feta a few times to mix it up.
 Add your pineapple to the plate and you're done!

Grab a fork and dig in.  If you close your eyes while taking a bite of the juicy pineapple, you might even be able to imagine that you're having breakfast on a white sand beach with a beautiful ocean view in front of you. Sadly, when you've cleaned your plate, you will probably remember that you now have to go to work or school, but at least you'll have energy for the day ahead and be in a better mood than when you woke up, I promise.  Now, you just have to promise me that you'll never skip breakfast again, okay?

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