Thursday, July 17, 2014

Oreo Funfetti Chocolate Chip Cookies

I've been meaning to pass this recipe on to you for a while.  I made these Oreo Funfetti Chocolate Chip Cookies with my sister while visiting her and my brother-in-law a few months back, and they were pretty addicting.  As you may know, oreos are one unhealthy habit that I just can't quit, and my brother-in-law loves anything that is funfetti/cake batter flavored, so we knew that we had to give it a go.  And just to convince you to do the same, take a look at the finished product:

Sold?  I thought so.  To whip up your own batch of funfetti oreo happiness, you will need:

20ish oreos
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup rainbow sprinkles
3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 3.5 oz. packet of instant vanilla pudding mix
1 tsp. baking soda
A pinch of salt

Once you've assembled all of your ingredients and made sure that your oreos taste okay (you can never be too careful, right?), coarsely chop or break up the oreos by hand.  We broke each cookie up into halves or thirds as best we could.

Set those aside and try not to look at them until later.  Remember, you need to add them to the cookies.  Then combine your flour, baking soda, salt, and pudding mix in a medium-sized bowl.  

Set this aside as well (it will be easier to ignore than the broken up oreos that are staring at you, I promise) and get your electric mixer ready.  Using the paddle attachment (if you have one), cream the butter, sugars, egg, and vanilla together until well combined, for about 4 minutes.

Next add your dry ingredients, and mix for only about a minute, until everything is just combined.

Now it's time to add the fun stuff.  Toss in the sprinkles, chocolate chips, and oreos.



Turn on the mixer again and mix for about 30 seconds, just until all of the goodies are stirred into the batter.

Isn't it pretty?

Now, I'm usually all in favor of eating raw cookie dough (I laugh in the face of the danger of eating raw eggs), but sample this dough at your own peril.  Once you start, it's difficult to stop, and you'll start talking yourself into forgoing the baking part and just throwing back the dough.  Trust me, it might be better to not start down this road....

Once you've won that battle with yourself, it's time to chill your dough.  The original recipe suggests that you form the dough into cookies and refrigerate for at least two hours right on the baking sheet, but we lacked the refrigerator space to do that so we just refrigerated the dough in the mixing bowl.  When we took the chilled dough out of the fridge, it was a bit hard to work with, which might be why the recipe suggests the baking sheet method, but the cookies still turned out just fine.

Whatever you decide about the chilling method, form the dough into 1/4 cup mounds, roll them with your hands so that all the chips and sprinkles and oreos stay put, and then flatten them a bit onto a cookie sheet that's been sprayed with cooking spray.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 9-11 minutes, until edges just start to brown.  If you're unsure as to whether or not they're done, I say err on the side of underbaked.  In my experience, everyone loves cookies that are more on the gooey and soft side.  

Let them cool for a few minutes and then dive in.  (Share if you're feeling particularly generous.)  There are some baked goods out there that I think taste better after a day or so, but these babies tasted best fresh out of the oven when they were still gooey and hot and the chocolate chips were a bit melty. 

If you manage to have any left over, you can keep them in an airtight container for about a week, but they will get harder as they cool.  If you want to keep them soft, put a piece of bread in the container with them.  I know that it sounds weird but the cookies will pull the moisture out of the bread and stay soft while the bread dries out.  Works like a charm.  Just be prepared to explain why the rando piece of bread is chillin' with the cookies if you plan on taking them to a party or offering them to houseguests.

They would be a great option to take to a birthday party since the funfetti sprinkles give them a really festive look.  Then again, they'd be just as good split among you, yourself, and a glass of bubbly, in front of the T.V., on a Tuesday night.

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