Monday, July 14, 2014

Flatiron Hall

I have an important announcement to make. 

I recently had a life-changing tater tot experience. 

Prior to this, I had thought that most tater tots were created equal.  Sure, some restaurants try to dress them up with fancy toppings like truffle oil and aged cheeses, but underneath all of that, they always seemed to be the same old freezer-aisle tater tots that you've been getting served since your elementary school cafeteria days.  Well, I'm happy to report that my long-held misconception has finally been dispelled.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let me start at the beginning.

I had met S for lunch near where she works and she suggested that we go to Flatiron Hall, which, as its name suggests, is just a quick walk from the Flatiron building.  This place is a favorite among S and her coworkers for happy hour haunts and it has a cool, retro beer hall vibe.

We started off with a round of cocktails to celebrate the fact that S was done working for the week and I had just had a promising interview in the area.  It was ridiculously hot outside and I thought that the Spiced Island Mojito, with rum, lemon juice, black pepper raspberry simple syrup, lime, mint, and ginger ale, sounded like just what I needed to cool off.  S went for the Elder, with Maker's Mark, St. Germain, and club soda.

The drinks were fine, but not stellar, but we were soon distracted by the arrival of the aforementioned life-changing tater tots, which S had insisted that we order.  I will never doubt her again.

See? Just by looking at them, you can tell that these aren't your average tots.  

Crispy shoestring potatoes coat the outside, while the melt-in-your-mouth interior is full of bacon, chives, and aged cheddar.  I believe that I very forcefully announced to S that these babies were not tater tots.  They were HEAVEN.

But anyhoo, we eventually moved on to our entrees and we both ordered the Maui Fish Tacos.

Crispy cod tacos with a mango salsa, chipotle lime mayo, and spicy pickled vegetables.  They were also insanely good.  I'm pretty picky when it comes to fish tacos.  I usually don't go for fried options because I often find that the batter overpowers the fish, but these were light and just crispy enough to make it interesting, and the combination of mango salsa and chipotle lime mayo complemented the fish perfectly.

Tater tots and fish tacos might not seem like an obvious pairing, but they tasted amazing together on that sweltering day.  So, if you find yourself in the area this summer, stop in to Flatiron Hall and enjoy the AC and the tacos.  And see if you can eat just one of those tots.

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