Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Anthro Birthday Bash

During the last week of March, the Anthropologie store on Newbury Street very nicely decided to throw me a birthday party.

Okay.....so it wasn't just for me, it was for all of its loyalty club members who had a birthday in March, but it made me feel special all the same.  The invitation said to bring a bff, so I grabbed GK and we headed into Boston after work.  When we arrived, we were greeted by cheerful employees and offered a choice of sparkling water with lime or prosecco cocktails with Saint Germain, blueberries, lemon, and mint.  I'm sure you can guess which option we chose....

We wandered around the store's two floors for a bit, sipping our drinks and admiring all the whimsical displays of candles, clothes, and housewares.

Part of me would like to decorate my entire apartment with wares from Anthropologie......everything is so interesting, eclectic, and colorful.  Nearly every piece looks like a unique treasure that you've gone to great lengths to find, and it's all arranged so artfully in the store.

GK and I agreed that the reed canoe filled with artsy cabinet and drawer knobs made us want to row away to the Island of Pretty Furniture and was officially our favorite display.
However, it only retained that place in our hearts until we chanced upon the slightly more exciting spread of birthday goodies.

We filled a plate with cupcakes and candies, grabbed another cocktail, and then found a quiet corner to munch, gab, and make ridiculous faces.

After a while we realized that it was nearing closing time, so we quickly did a bit of shopping and tried on some new looks.

It totally brings out our eyes, right?

We then said goodnight and left with stomachs full of sugar and eyes full of pretty things. 

Thanks Anthro!  You throw a delightful bday party!

If you'd like to be invited to your own birthday party and receive a birthday discount, sign up for the free Anthro loyalty program here.  In case you're wondering, Anthropologie did not sponsor this post.  My enthusiasm for the company is all my own.
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