Tuesday, July 21, 2015


S and I both had the day off on a recent Friday, and we agreed that it would be a good idea to get some early afternoon drinks and noms (I mean, when is it not?).  We met up for brunch at a Hawaiian restaurant in Williamsburg called Onomea.  Stepping through the door, you're instantly transported to a brighter, cheerier place by a sea of turquoise chairs and the photos of the Hawaiian landscape that dot the walls.

 We started things off with coconut water, which arrived in pretty blue mason jars, and rosé for S and a guava mimosa for me.  We figured that we might as well save time and detox and retox simultaneously.

 S got the eggs and spam, which came with greens, rice, and mac salad on the side.

I have to admit, I've always turned up my nose at the idea of spam, but this stuff was actually quite delicious.

Giving in to my poached egg addiction, I ordered the Kalua Pig Benedict, with pulled pork on a King's Hawaiian roll.

Savory, rich, and extremely filling.

I felt a bit like a fat and happy Kalua pig myself after eating it, so S and I walked it off for a bit and ducked into some stores in Williamsburg before parting ways and heading home for a nap (We lead such exciting lives).

If you're looking for a brunch spot with a slightly different take on the usual fare or want to satisfy your spam craving without judgement, check out Onomea.  It's a good substitute for an island escape, without the pain of the long plane ride or the cost of airfare.

And the more mimosas you drink, the more Hawaiian you'll feel, I guarantee it.
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