Friday, July 24, 2015

Foodie Friday

NYC has had a few 90+ degree days this week and when it's that hot, all I want to eat is chips and guac and ice cream (not necessarily in that order).

I satisfied half of the craving last night with gelato at Babo Teahouse.

Happy Weekend!
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015


S and I both had the day off on a recent Friday, and we agreed that it would be a good idea to get some early afternoon drinks and noms (I mean, when is it not?).  We met up for brunch at a Hawaiian restaurant in Williamsburg called Onomea.  Stepping through the door, you're instantly transported to a brighter, cheerier place by a sea of turquoise chairs and the photos of the Hawaiian landscape that dot the walls.

 We started things off with coconut water, which arrived in pretty blue mason jars, and rosé for S and a guava mimosa for me.  We figured that we might as well save time and detox and retox simultaneously.

 S got the eggs and spam, which came with greens, rice, and mac salad on the side.

I have to admit, I've always turned up my nose at the idea of spam, but this stuff was actually quite delicious.

Giving in to my poached egg addiction, I ordered the Kalua Pig Benedict, with pulled pork on a King's Hawaiian roll.

Savory, rich, and extremely filling.

I felt a bit like a fat and happy Kalua pig myself after eating it, so S and I walked it off for a bit and ducked into some stores in Williamsburg before parting ways and heading home for a nap (We lead such exciting lives).

If you're looking for a brunch spot with a slightly different take on the usual fare or want to satisfy your spam craving without judgement, check out Onomea.  It's a good substitute for an island escape, without the pain of the long plane ride or the cost of airfare.

And the more mimosas you drink, the more Hawaiian you'll feel, I guarantee it.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ithaca Walks

My second trip upstate last month took me to Ithaca and my alma mater, Cornell University, for the wedding of a good college friend.  S, N, and I took an excruciatingly early bus to Ithaca on the Friday before the wedding, which gave us plenty of time to enjoy the day upon arriving.  We first needed some brunch and coffee, though, so we started things off at Stella's, one of our old college haunts.  This was where we'd go if we wanted a slightly swankier experience than the local dive bars and bagel shops could offer, and it gives you the feeling that you're nestled in some sort of artsy cavern.

S ordered a chicken confit sandwich, N got an omelet, and I went for the softshell crab benedict, with mimosas and coffee all around.
Once the food and caffeine had made us feel mostly human again, we decided to go for a quick hike in nearby Cascadilla Gorge.  One of the great things about Ithaca is that you can seriously stumble upon a gorge and a waterfall at nearly every turn.

I'm not sure that I fully appreciated all of this natural beauty around campus when I was in college.....I think that classes, exams, and keg stands socializing probably got in the way.  But I certainly appreciate it now, especially in contrast to living in New York City, where natural sights, smells, and sounds can be hard to come by.

It had been a cloudy day so far, but on our way back up out of the gorge, the sun came out in full force and made the water sparkle.

After ascending from the gorge, we walked around campus for a bit, as S and I reminisced about the all the good days and silly adventures that we had there, while N (who didn't go Cornell) politely pretended to be very interested in and entertained by all of our stories.

We ended the afternoon by collapsing at the Statler Hotel's bar, where we reunited with some other friends as well as the bride and groom for a mellow pre-wedding catchup session.

Feeling re-energized by the next morning, we had breakfast and then set off for another walk through campus.  We skirted Beebe Lake....
 and then made our way to the Cornell Plantations.  Part botanical garden, part arboretum, and part nature preserve, the Plantations are full of interesting plants and serene beauty.

We walked for over an hour, enjoying the scenery, breathing in the fresh floral air, and then cursing our allergies in the same breath (the sneezing was all very glamorous, I assure you).  Then it was time to head back to our hotel and trade in our sneakers for our dancing shoes and watch our friends get hitched.
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Foodie Friday

An impressive veggie omelet from the kitchen of the Hudson City Bed & Breakfast.

Happy Weekend!
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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hudson Highlights, Day 2

On my second day in Hudson, I woke up to a very sunny and warm morning.  I wanted to get a bit more exploring time in before the wedding that afternoon, but first, breakfast was in order.  It's the second B in B&B, after all, as as such, it shouldn't be forgotten.  (Not that I would ever forget it.  Who are you people who aren't hungry enough in the morning to eat breakfast???)

I sat down in the dining room, chatted with some fellow guests, and waited for whatever was emitting the heavenly smell that wafted in from the kitchen.

Barry, the innkeeper, soon emerged victoriously and presented me with a plate of his famous waffles with blueberry syrup.
These were fantastic:  light, fluffy, and full of robust flavor, which, if my taste buds were to be trusted, involved some lemon zest and buttermilk.  Much better than your run-of-the-mill continental breakfast. 

After fortifying myself on these and lots of coffee, I set out through Hudson again. 

While checking out the town map the day before, I had noticed that there was a lake on the outskirts of town, so I set off in that direction. After about a 20 minute walk, I could see the water peeking through the trees.

After circling the lake, I came to a quiet spot that would have been the perfect place to sit down and dig into a good book or a picnic.  Must plan ahead better next time.

I did sit for a while and enjoy the view, but eventually I made my way back to town.  After checking out the local farmers' market and some shops, it was time for lunch, and I decided to try out Tanzy's. I had noticed this cute little cafe and teashop during my explorations the night before, and it seemed like the perfect spot to grab a light bite.  You enter through the shop section, which boasts a tempting pastry counter, and then find a seat in a cheerful room reminiscent of an old farmhouse kitchen.

Tanzy's is run by two sisters, and the friendly family feeling is obvious as soon as you walk in the door.  My waitress greeted me and led me to a table like I was a long lost cousin and immediately offered to get me a glass of blueberry lemonade.  How could I refuse?
As for my lunch, I went with the Turkey Pesto Melt, with American cheese on a foccacia roll.

It may not look like much, but the pesto and the herbs in the focaccia roll injected some excitement into the turkey and made for a very satisfying sandwich.  As I ate, I chatted with the waitresses and listened as another couple asked them for recommendations about local berry-picking places.  Not only did they offer the recommendation, but they also called the farm personally to make sure that they were open. To say that the service is excellent here is a bit of an understatement.

Before long, it was time to return to the B&B to get ready for the wedding.  All of the waitresses bid me farewell and gave me well wishes for the wedding.  I left feeling as if I had just left a family gathering, with people that I had known for years.  If you're ever in Hudson, give Tanzy's a try.  Although I just wanted a light lunch, their breakfast specials sounded amazing too, and they also serve afternoon tea.  And it's worth it for the friendliness alone.  You'll leave in a better mood, I promise.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at the wedding, which was as beautiful and romantic an event as I had ever been to.  I left most of the photo-taking to the professional photographer who was there, but I did snap this picture of the setting at twilight.  As you can see, it was a rather magical place and a rather magical night.

Sadly, the spell had to be broken the next day, by the fact that I had to catch the train back to the city.  That, or by the massive headache that greeted me upon waking up.

I'm blaming it on all the fresh country air and my allergies.

It couldn't possibly have been everything on offer at the open bar.
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