Thursday, October 23, 2014

Indus Valley

Last week, D texted and asked if I wanted to meet up.  He had a break in his classes and a hankering for Indian food, so we met for lunch in the Upper West Side at Indus Valley. It really never takes any convincing to get me to agree to eat Indian food.....the spices feel exotic yet their complex warmth gives me those feelings of contentment and happiness that the best comfort food always evokes.  After looking at the menu, we quickly agreed that we'd do the lunch special, because for $12.95 we could each get a full course meal.  For our appetizers, D went for the soup of the day...

while I chose the vegetable samosa.
I found it both delightful and hilarious that the samosa looked like a pointy wizard's hat.  D rolled his eyes and told me to just eat it.  These Columbia students are soooo serious.....

It was hot and delicious but D didn't love his soup quite as much.  We then moved on to our entrees.  Chicken tikka masala (the best that I've had in a while. Rich, complex flavor with a nice hint of sweetness) for me....

and goat curry for him (hopefully not these goats).

The special also came with dal, a vegetable of the day, and naan, so between the two of us, we had quite the feast.

We were soon feeling fat and happy.
Our lunch specials also included a choice of dessert, but we had to throw in the towel before we got there because we were so stuffed (pathetic, I know).  

All in all, the lunch special was an excellent deal, and I would highly recommend the samosas and the chicken tikka masala.  The service, however, did leave a little to be desired and was rather slow and disorganized.  But if you don't mind spending a bit more time over lunch, it's a nice little spot to get your Indian food fix.  Just be sure to get there before 3pm, because they close for two hours in the afternoon between serving lunch and dinner.  And I can't say that I blame them.  That time of day makes for wonderful napping.

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