Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's (Satur)Day

On Saturday, my mom came to the city to visit me.  Since it was the first time that she was seeing me since my move and she was only here for the day, she just wanted to mostly hang out, see my neighborhood, and do some random exploring rather than do New York touristy things.  We decided to make the day all about finding good food (if we're honest, this is how most of my family get-togethers go) and we started off with brunch at Grand Cafe in my neighborhood in Astoria.  I had walked by this place numerous times since the move and noticed that it had a bit of a Euro flair and was always busy, which I took to be a good sign.  We started off with coffees, bellinis, and complimentary mini muffins.

We quickly decided that we needed a bit of both savory and sweet, so we ordered an omelet with homefries and pancakes with strawberries and nutella and just shared everything.
We chose the avocado and tomato omelet and then added goat cheese to it and it was utterly delicious.  The homefries, which were livened up with chopped peppers, were also really good.  Even my mom really liked them and she's not usually a big homefries person.  She is a big pancake person, though, and they didn't disappoint.  Nice and fluffy and not overly sweet, which I prefer, and which wasn't needed since there was more than enough nutella and syrup to go around.
 Afterwards we felt wonderfully stuffed and decided to go and walk it off a bit in Astoria Park.  We chatted and enjoyed the views while walking around and underneath the Triborough Bridge.

After a good amount of strolling, we were both starting  to feel a bit peckish, and Mom casually mentioned that she needed some New York cheesecake in her life.  We stopped for a minute at a very conveniently placed park bench and I did a very scientific google search of the best cheesecake places in the city.  One of the spots that had rave reviews was a bakery called Two Little Red Hens, so we popped over to the subway and grabbed a train to the Upper East Side.  We found the bakery pretty quickly and stepped inside.  We were greeted by a very small but pleasant space that was packed with people ogling the cakes, cupcakes, and cheesecakes behind the glass.
Never two to shy away from gluttony, we ordered a piece of chocolate cheesecake and a piece of cherry cheesecake to share.
Mom was very happy.
And so was I.  The cherry cheesecake was wonderfully dense and not very sweet at all.  The cherry topping complimented it nicely, and it had a bit of what I think was cinnamon mixed in to give it some heady complexity.  And the chocolate was creamy and simply glorious.  As we ate, we watched customers come and go and even sneaked some peeks at some icing action that was taking place in the back room.
We both agreed that the Google reviews had not let us down.  The cheesecake was great, the cakes and cupcakes looked amazing, and the atmosphere was homey and friendly.  In the immortal words of Holly Golightly, it felt like "nothing very bad could happen to you there."

Feeling happy, we headed off with a plan to walk around Rockefeller Center for the rest of the afternoon until heading over to Times Square where Mom would have to catch her bus home.  However, as soon as we surfaced from the subway, a deluge of rain hit and it didn't appear to be planning on letting up anytime soon.  So we ducked into a cab and made our way to Times Square and did a bit of shopping instead.  Shopping always works up our appetites, and we decided that we probably needed some New York pizza to end our day.  We tried to go to a pizza place that I had heard good things about, but the line was out the door, so we instead stumbled into Famous Famiglia Pizzeria.  It looked like your typical fast food pizzeria with premade pies behind the counter.  We, of course had to try a large selection.
Tomato, basil, and mozzarella; ricotta and mozzarella; Sicilian style' and Hawaiian.  Was it the best pizza I've ever had?  No, but for fast food, it was really pretty good and it hit the spot after a long day of......eating.  And some walking around.  And some light shopping.  
 And apparently, a lot of famous people have stopped by, because the back wall was covered in photos of visiting celebrities.  Mom and I decided to commemorate the moment by taking a selfie with Nicholas Cage.
He seemed a bit.....cagey.  But anyway, it was soon time for Mom to catch her bus, so we made our way back into Times Square and while we waited, we amused ourselves by taking more selfies, this time without the help of Mr. Cage.
We especially liked this one in front of the giant Godzilla billboard.
Sadly, it was then time for Mom to leave.  So we hugged goodbye and she headed back to PA and I went off into the bright lights of Times Square.  
With it being so packed with people, it's really not a place where I'd want to spend much time during the day.
But she sure does clean up nicely at night, doesn't she?

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