Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Christmas

The Christmas tree on the Boston Common

Christmas goodies from my awesome coworkers

The festive fireplace in front of our table at a recent dinner at Five Horses Tavern.
I can't believe that December has flown by so quickly and that Christmas will be here in only a matter of days.  Today I'm heading home to PA to spend Christmas and New Years with the fam, where I plan on doing a lot of cookie eating, wine drinking, puppy cuddling, and Christmas movie watching in front of the fire.  I'll also be in the land of dial-up internet and spotty cellphone service, so I'll be taking a break from the blog and enjoying the relaxation that comes from being mostly unplugged from technology.  I hope that, whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year, or even if you don't celebrate anything at all, you can still take some time off to spend with family and friends and find joy in the season.  I'll see you back here in January. 
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