Tuesday, August 13, 2013

July Recap, Part Deux

The rest of July was filled with fun visits from family and friends.  First my sister and brother-in-law, J and J, came to Boston.  They arrived on a Friday night and we had a lazy Saturday together, staying inside to avoid the 90+ degree temps and watching movies and tv shows.  Sunday dawned warm but bearable, though, so we ventured out to see the Revere Beach National Sand Sculpting Festival.

Going into it, I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I ended up being really impressed by the artistry, intricate details, and sheer size of the sculptures.  These were certainly not your grandmother's sandcastles.

This one was my favorite:

After carefully critiquing all the sculptures and getting distracted by several cute dogs, we decided that we need some nourishment.

What better to have after a hot day at the beach than massive servings of ice cream?  This beauty was considered a "small":

The day after our beach sojourn, P and N arrived in Boston on the last leg of their American vacation.  GK and I met P and N while studying abroad in England and have kept in touch ever since.  J and J also met P during our trip to England two summers ago, so it was a nice reunion for all of us.  One thing that P really wanted to do while he was here was go to a Red Sox game so we dragged ourselves to Fenway and then forced ourselves to try basically all of the food and beer options.  Difficult, I know, but we persevered. 

The day had been an extremely rainy one, but luckily the sky cleared before the start of the game and left us with a brilliant sunset.

It was such a fun night, topped off by the fact that the Sox won, which I thought was super nice of them to do in honor of our English visitors.

Later in the week, P and N offered to make dinner for GK and I before we headed out on the town for the night.  Never being ones to refuse someone who wants to cook for us, GK and I sat back and guzzled sangria while watching the boys work some Mexican magic in the kitchen.

 Isn't P a pro at chopping veg?  When I do it, it looks like a tornado has blown through the kitchen afterwards....

The chicken tacos were delicious, the company, divine, and GK and I informed the boys that they could fly across the pond to cook for us anytime they liked.
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