Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spring in New York

I hope that you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  While I realize that many consider it to be the unofficial start of summer, let's hold off on 90 degree days and trips to the beach until I tell you about spring in New York.  Spring often feels like a rushed and underappreciated season, so let's take a moment to enjoy it.

Like many places in the Northeast, the city is a dreary place in the winter.  All greyness, dirty slush, howling wind, and bitter cold.  However, in the last month, with the arrival of warmer temperatures, it feels like New York has finally awakened after a long slumber. There's a palpable energy in the air that definitely wasn't present in January.
The warm sunlight makes the buildings sparkle, the avenues seem more full of adventure, and you can't help but fall more in love with this place.

And then there are the blossoms.

A welcome reminder that nature can still thrive amid all that concrete and steel.

Summer's all well and good, but Spring, please don't feel like you have to rush away so soon.
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