Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brunch at the Standard Grill

The second day of GK's visit dawned ridiculously rainy and cold.  Some part of us just wanted to stay in bed, but the other, more dominant part was growling with hunger, so we headed out and made our way through the rain-sloshed streets to the Meatpacking District for brunch at the Standard Grill.  Nestled inside the ground floor of the Standard High Line Hotel, the Grill was just what we needed on such a dreary day:  cozy, warm, a little bit glamorous, and full of delicious smells.

We settled into our table and got things going with some caffeine.  Coffee for me and tea for GK.

I was thrilled by the fact that they give you your own little carafe of joe.  I tend to guzzle my coffee very quickly, so it was lovely to not have to flag down a waiter for refills.

After we had had a few sips and felt a bit more awake, we decided that some cocktails needed to enter the picture (What is brunch without them, amirite???).  GK went for The Professor & Mary Ann:  gin, strawberry-champagne shrub, lime, and prosecco.
I opted for the Orchard Bellini:  champagne, apricot liqueur, and fresh peach puree.
With our drinks taken care of, we finally had a look at the food menu, and since everything sounded so good, we decided to order it all. 

The feeding frenzy began with vanilla-rum custard brioche donuts. 
They arrived at the table warm and in a cute little carton.  I think that we had both expected them to be smaller, but we were not to be daunted and dove right in.
These were amazing.  The exterior was light and flaky while still having that delicious fried flavor, and the vanilla-run custard was creamy and decadent without being too heavy or sickeningly sweet.  And you didn't get that nasty feeling afterwards that usually follows the consumption of coffee-shop donuts.

Next came the entrees, which we shared like the old married couple that we are. 

Eggs benedict with ham on sourdough with rosemary potatoes....
and a whole wheat waffle topped with spiced apples, pecans, and bourbon cream...

with hickory smoked bacon (it's not brunch without bacon either) and creamy cheddar grits on the side.

It was quite the spread.
We kept going back and forth, trying to decide what we liked the best.  I think that the Eggs benedict won in the end for me....I could eat those poached eggs on that buttery sourdough every morning for the rest of my life. 

After chatting and chewing our way through most of our haul, we reluctantly waddled back out into the rain, lamenting the fact that we had to leave.  The food was amazing, the people-watching was fun, and the staff was friendly and attentive without being overbearing.  If we could have stayed all day and kept the cocktails and the food coming, I'm sure that we would have.  But alas, we've not yet reached the point in our lives when we can be professional, full-time brunchers.

If you want to check out the Standard Grill, I'd recommend making a reservation, which you can do here.

Just be sure to show up hungry. 

And order the donuts. 

And invite me. 
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