Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Brooklyn Flea & Berg'n

It's been really cold lately in New York.  Maybe not quite at the level of last year's Polar Vortex, but painfully cold nonetheless, so indoor activities have largely been the order of the day.  On a recent blustery Saturday, S and I were looking for one such indoor activity and decided to check out the Brooklyn Winter Flea.  Housed in a sprawling building in the Crown Heights neighborhood, the flea market is open on weekends and includes over 100 vendors.   
Nearly everything that you can imagine is on offer.  Old books...
colorful lamps, vintage cookware, furniture....
 buttons and old tools...

decorative tiles...

picture frames and mirrors of all shapes and sizes....

cheerful little succulents...

records and artwork....

tea and tobacco tins....
toys and tchotchkes.....
gents with rather plastic expressions in various states of undress...
 and every other random object that you could think of.

There are things that are new, things that are antiques, and things that are just.....crap.  Much of it is rather expensive, but if you're patient and willing to sift through some piles, you can find some good deals, and it's fun to just have a look through all of the interesting and sometimes weird stuff.  But all of that shopping does work up an appetite.  Lucky for you, Berg'n, a beer hall and food court, is right next door (and you don't even have to go back outside and face the elements to get to it).

The bar has craft beers and wine on offer, and four different food vendors serve up casual, fun nibbles.

You just go up to the counter of your choice, order your food, and then grab a buzzer and find a seat at the communal tables in the center.  Someone from the bar's waitstaff will take your drink order and, if you play it right, bring you your libations just as your buzzer goes off. 

S and I started with the Original Ramen Burger.  We had seen and talked about Ramen Burger during our trip to Smorgasburg over the summer, and we both agreed that the time had come to try it, as it's become a bit of a legend among adventurous foodies.

It essentially is and tastes exactly like it sounds.  A beef patty sandwiched between two buns made of ramen, with a special shoyu glaze and arugula.  Despite the fact that it seems like something that you'd drunkenly dream up after a night out in college, it's rather delightful.  The noodles do make it a bit tricky to eat, but that's part of the fun.

After sharing the burger, we also split the Truffleiest pizza from Pizza Moto Slice Shop.  A white pizza with rosemary, mushrooms, truffle oil, and a poached egg.

If the ramen burger was like a fun and crazy college fling, then this was our one true and lasting love.  The truffle flavor was strong without being overpowering, the egg was perfectly poached, and the rosemary brightened up every bite.  S and I were definitely enamored.
If you're looking for something to do on a cold Saturday or Sunday, the Brooklyn Winter Flea and Berg'n are fun options.  I'm sure that you'll be able to find something that fits either your decorating or gastronomic tastes, and looking is half the fun.  But do the shopping first, and then hit up the bar.  Otherwise you'll have some serious explaining to do when you find yourself at home with a pile of scantily clad Ken dolls that seemed like a good idea at the time.
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