Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It's Christmastime in the City

When I was a little kid, I used to love riding around in the car with my parents at Christmastime, admiring all the decorated houses and Christmas light displays in our neighborhood.  If I'm honest, not much has changed, except that I don't ride around in a car too much in the City.  But this year, I still made an effort to go see the Christmas lights, trees, and store windows that make New York look so festive during the holidays, and I took photos so I could share them with you too.  This post will definitely be picture-heavy, so grab a steaming mug of chocolate (I'll look the other way if you'd like to spike it with something), settle in by the fire (if you don't have one, pull this up on another tab and sneak a peak every now and then), and come with me and enjoy Christmas in New York.

Let's start in Washington Square Park.
And now let's go uptown to Radio City...

How about a stroll up Fifth Avenue?

While we're on Fifth Avenue, let's head over to Saks and check out the holiday window displays.  The theme this year is "Once upon a time in New York..."

Snow White asked, "Vendor, Vendor on the street, what's the safest thing to eat?"
Sleeping Beauty had trouble adjusting to the city that never sleeps.
The maidens who lunch wanted to know "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, who does your hair?
Rumpelstilskin was the most feared spin class instructor in town.

Red Riding Hood gasped, "Oh my, what a big suite you have."

Cinderella fell madly in love with a pair of designer shoes.

And where else can we end our Christmas tour besides Rockefeller Center?

Merry Christmas!
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