Tuesday, February 4, 2014

White Mountain Girlie Getaway, Day 2

Day two of our getaway dawned cold and a bit snowy, so GK and I decided that a warm, hearty breakfast was in order and made our way downstairs to the Tavern.  We quickly grabbed a table near the fire with a lovely view of the hotel grounds.


There was a buffet option, but GK and I decided to order off the menu, so as to not be tempted by the opportunity for endless plates and also because we figured that the made-to-order food might be better.  I think that we ended up being right, as both of our dishes were delicious.  I dug into a big plate of eggs benedict...

while GK went for the Belgian waffle with strawberries.
After finishing our breakfasts, we lingered at our table a bit over tea and cappuccino, in an effort to clear the last champagne cobwebs out of our heads.
Once we felt refreshed and revived, we decided to go exploring around the ground floor of the hotel and poked our heads into this room and that, admiring the ski lodge-meets New England farmhouse-meets grandmother's house with secret hidden corners to discover feel of the place.

Our explorers' feet soon became weary, though, so we made our way up to the hotel's fourth floor, which is home to their Tower Spa.  We relaxed a bit with tea and magazines in the spa's cozy lounge before indulging in rather luxurious-feeling pedis. 

GK chose a lovely raspberry shade while I tried to give my toes an air of mystery (not to be confused with an odor of mystery) with a dark, inky blue that had just a hint of sparkle.

Despite feeling completely relaxed, pampered, and ready for a nap, it was sadly time to check out, but first I wandered outside to get a few shots of the hotel and the surrounding area.  We hadn't been able to see much of the exterior when we arrived in the dark the night before, but by daylight, it was quite an impressive sight.

We were sad to leave, but it was time to go, so we jumped back in the car and hit the road.  At least we could enjoy a the view of a beautiful winter wonderland as we drove back out of the mountains.

We arrived back in Boston, sad that our holiday was over but so glad that we had gone somewhere new.  If you're contemplating your own weekend getaway, I can't recommend the Mountainview Grand enough.  Our only regret was that we had only booked one night.  The setting and hotel are beautiful, the staff delightful, and the food delicious.  You can reserve a room here, and if you're planning a girlie getaway of your own, you can book spa treatments here.  If you have more of a family-friendly vacay in mind, the Mountainview Grand also seemed to have lots of options for fun activities for both little ones and adults, including skiing, sledding and snowtubing, snowshoeing, dogsledding, and s'mores around the campfire (we were sorry that we missed that one).  If you're suffering from the post-holidays winter blues, you should book a weekend today.  I bet that it will be just what the doctor ordered.
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