Tuesday, November 19, 2013

French Toast and Dream Homes

Last weekend, GK and I decided to celebrate the three-day weekend by having a celebratory brunch on Sunday.  Going out for brunch always make things feel more festive, doesn't it?  We decided to go Upstairs on the Square because we were in the mood for a unique and elegant atmosphere, but we also obviously wanted good food.  Sadly, its owners have decided to close Upstairs on the Square soon, so we wanted to make a point of having brunch there before it's gone.  We started with mimosas and the complimentary bread basket.  I love Upstairs' version of this carby offering, because they bring you a selection of sweet and savory mini options, including cheddar and onion scones, coffee cake, and sticky buns.

When we were ready to move on the the main event, I ordered the French Toast.

Two thick-cut, eggy pieces of bread cooked for just the right amount of time and then smothered with a rum raisin caramel sauce and topped with Grand Marnier Spiked Whipped Cream.  Need I say more?  I love a brunch where I can have alcohol in both my mimosa and my food.  GK ordered the Fine Herbs and Goat Cheese Omelet, which came with a side salad and homefries, and then we split our plates so we could each have both a sweet and a savory brunch.  I think this was the right call, since both dishes were excellent and I think that eating all of the French Toast myself would have sent me into diabetic shock.

It was a beautiful day, and after finishing our meals, we stayed for a while, sipping coffee and tea and enjoying the sunny view of Harvard Square and Upstairs' colorful and whimsical interior.

If you haven't been to Upstairs on the Square, I'd urge you to go before the end of the year when they will close their doors.  It's a great place for brunch with your girlfriends or family, and they do dinner and afternoon tea as well.
When GK and I decided that we had stayed for long enough and were thoroughly stuffed, we felt that we needed to walk off a bit of our meal and headed into Boston to hit up West Elm and Restoration Hardware.  We told ourselves that we were going to do some Christmas shopping and research (GK is writing a paper for her art history class on the building that houses Restoration Hardware, which used to be the Boston Museum of Natural History), but if we're honest, we just wanted to look at the pretty interiors and Christmas decorations.  We started with West Elm.  I love this store because their stuff is cool and contemporary, yet still cozy, and they had already gone full-on Christmas.

We took our time, moseying throughout the displays.  After we had mentally redesigned our bedrooms, created our imaginary wedding registries, and admired all the shiny things, we moved on to Restoration Hardware on Newbury Street.  This building is absolutely gorgeous with three floors full of luxe furnishings and decor....GK and I were in fantasy house heaven.

We dutifully tested out most of the furniture and picked out what we would buy to furnish our chalets and villas, which we will naturally have just as soon as we become rich and famous.

We left feeling refreshed and inspired by all the pretty things.  Grabbing some hot chocolate, we sipped and chatted as we slowly strolled down Commonwealth Avenue and through the Boston Public Garden, agreeing that three-day weekends should come around more often.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Whiskey, Carrots, and a Few Greek Dudes

I'm lucky to be able to say that I work with a bunch of fun 20-somethings who are always up for grabbing a drink when the clock strikes 5.  Last Friday, we hit up a spot in Somerville called Daddy Jones and ushered in the weekend in style.  I had never been before, but a few of my coworkers raved about the place and I'm happy to report that they definitely knew what they were talking about.  I think that it's pretty rare to find a place with great atmosphere and fabulous food and drinks, but Daddy Jones really delivered.  The dim, romantical lighting got us all in the mood.....for cocktails, and a bunch of us started off with their version of a whiskey sour, made with bourbon and carrot marmalade.

I know what you're thinking.  Carrots?  In a cocktail?  But I promise you, the marmalade gave the drink just the right amount of zesty sweetness, and it disguised any hint of the harshness of the bourbon and made for one smooth drink.  Very dangerous indeed.  And perfect for a Friday night.  Some of the drinks come in mason jars while others come in really interesting, retro glasses that look like they were pulled straight out of your grandmother's kitchen, which adds to the charm.
All of the food on offer has a Greek flair, and we began by sharing an order of roasted red pepper dip and pita and sweet potato fries smothered in honey and feta.  I am still dreaming about those sweet potato fries......hot and savory and sweet, all in one amazing app.  And look at the fun plates that they give you for them!

I could have happily kept the sweet potato fries coming, but my voice of reason told me that I should perhaps strive for a more balanced dinner than whiskey sours and fries and order an entree.  Everything sounded so good though, so S and I decided to order the Chicken Souvlaki Wrap and the Burger and then split them.  I'm so fortunate to have a work wife who will share food with me.

The tzatziki in the wrap was delicious and it came with a Greek salad that was just as good.  Also, the wrap had fries INSIDE of it.  Can you ask for a higher level of perfection? As it turns out, yes, you can.  And it comes in the form of this burger:

Smothered in gooey cheese and garlic aoili and cooked to perfection.  I believe that S and I contemplated ordering a second one (or maybe that was just me), but in the end we refrained.

I did not refrain, however, from ordering another drink.  Wanting a more dessert-y option this time, I went for Daddy Jones' version of a White Russian, which they call the Greek Dude.  I may have ordered a few of these before the night was out.  I may also have taken a ridiculous amount of pleasure and amusement in asking our waiter to bring me more Greek Dudes.

The Greek Dude was less creamy and more coffeeish than other white Russians that I've had, which made it seem lighter but just as warming as its usual incarnation.  That coffee ice cube was a nice touch as well.

More drinks were poured, we caught up and laughed, and it started to feel like the weekend had truly begun.

On a final note, if you're not yet convinced that Daddy Jones is a cool place, then I also have to tell you this: they were playing Quantum Leap on the tv throughout the night.
My tipsy self was thrilled and transported back to my childhood.  If there's a night of the week when they play old MacGyver episodes, then we're really in business.

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