Friday, July 5, 2013

Cape Cod Weekend, Part Deux

After having slept off the effects of mudslides and Nicholas Sparks, GK and I decided that our Sunday morning, like every good Sunday morning, should start with mimosas.  So we headed off through town in search of brunch.  We had a few options, but we decided upon the Wicked Oyster (with a name like that, how could we pass it up?) and luckily we made it just before they stopped serving breakfast for the day.
 (If you go for breakfast, be sure to get there before noon.  During the "Season," they don't serve lunch because they assume that you'll all be at the beach for the afternoon anyway.)

The interior of the restaurant is cozy and cheerful with it sunny yellow walls and creaky hardwood floors.  Dating back to 1750, the structure is full of character and makes you feel as if you're in some beloved family member's homey farmhouse dining room.

Luckily, the food doesn't disappoint either.  GK and I both got our mimosas and decided to order two different meals and then split them so we'd get the best of both worlds.  Being in more of a savory mood, we went for the eggs florentine....

and the Garden Omelet:
While the eggs florentine was very good, GK and I both agreed that the omelet was the best that we have ever tasted.  EVER.  It was filled with tomatoes, avocado, pesto, and goat cheese.  I love me some avocado and goat cheese, but I think it was the pesto that really made the omelet zesty and exciting.  I will definitely be trying to recreate this at home.  After stuffing ourselves, we strolled back through the town of Wellfleet, admiring the cute houses and popping in and out of galleries and shops.

The day was much hotter than Saturday had been, and after we had worked up a sweat and brunch had faded into a distant memory, we decided it was time for ice cream on the beach. 

Afterwards, we explored a bit more of town until we both became hot and parched under the heat of the glaring sun.  Luckily, we stumbled upon Mac's Shack and found just the thing to cool us down.
I don't know if it was because we were so hot or if they really were that good, but GK and I both agreed that we had never tasted anything better than these pomegranate mojitos.  If you find yourself at Mac's, you have to give them a try!

 GK and I decided that we could really get used to this whole afternoon drinking thing.  Very European of us, right? 

I think that we both would have been happy if we could have stayed at the bar and kept the mojitos coming, but sadly I had to say goodbye to the lovely Cape and catch the train back to Boston and back to reality.  It was a wonderful weekend escape though, and so far, one of the highlights of my summer.  I hope that you all have at least one fantastic summer weekend planned and that you had a fun and safe Fourth!
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