Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pilates and a Power Brunch

It's not often that I'll get up early with the express purpose of working out.  Don't get me wrong, exercise is an important part of my life....but there are some things that mornings are meant for (sleeping in, drinking coffee, snuggling in pjs) and I usually don't think that working out is one of them.  However, a few Saturdays ago, E and I woke up early and went to a pilates bootcamp fundraiser at Faneuil Hall Marketplace.  The event was held by Jennifer Phelan, a Boston-area pilates instructor who offers a series of free pilates bootcamp (a mix of pilates and cardio) classes throughout the spring and summer at Faneuil Hall.  This particular Saturday was a special one though, in that it was meant to be a tribute class for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and donations were collected for The One Fund Boston

 The class was hard, but it was such a nice way to come together on a truly beautiful day and show support and strength for the city and for those affected most by the bombings.

After sweating it out at the class, E and I decided that we needed to replenish our strength, so we headed to Veggie Galaxy, a fairly new vegetarian diner in Central Square.  I had never been there before, but I had heard rave reviews, and I can happily say that it did not disappoint.  

The atmosphere is low-key and definitely diner-y, which I love, but the owners have combined this feeling with unique vegetarian dishes that are bursting with interesting flavors, which makes this place a one-of-a kind gem.  Deciding what to order was probably the toughest decision I had to make all day, but in the end,  I went for the Eggs Benedict Breakfast Sandwich.

This was a jazzed up version of Eggs Benedict, with a balsamic roasted tomato, pickled red onions and a chipotle hollandaise sauce.  The best part, though, was the black pepper biscuit on the bottom, which just seemed to bring all the flavors together. E went for the Egg and Cheese breakfast sandwich with arugula and roasted garlic mayo, which was also amazing. 


Each of our sandwiches came with homefries which tasted so fresh and flavorful, and we both sprung for cappuccinos since we were starting to feel our early morning.  After we finished the first round, we decided that even breakfast should end with dessert and ordered the sweet potato carrot cake on E's recommendation. 
Hmmn...sweet potato and it has to be healthy, right?  I think I might have to instate this whole cake-before-noon thing more often.

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